Saturday, June 18, 2011

Toddler birthday

This post is directed toward one person: my daughter, Kirsten, who underwent her second biopsy today. In so doing, she missed out on the birthday celebrations for her 'Mothers' Group'. This is a group of women who met through the NSW Baby Health Centre system and who each has a child turning one within the next 6 weeks. I think there might be about 10 babies.

Today they gathered together, sang each other happy birthday, and had a Kris-Kringle round of gifts. It was quite overwhelming to be invited to be part of it.

Alannah gave KK to Mila - a doll. Alannah received a KK of a zebra and a pop-up-book with pull-out tabs.

Kirsten, this is for you. Enjoy my lovely ...

Have found a recording of the sound of a zebra. Go to the bottom of the page on the LH side. Now THIS is going to be a challenge to add to my lexicon of animal sounds: cow, pig, rooster, donkey, horse, sheep.


Kirsten said...

Thank you! The photos are going off the side of the pages for me. Not sure if I can see them all. They just woke me for blood pressure. Feeling ok.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Julie, I am following Kirsten's blog, she writes so beautifully even among all this distress. I'm so glad you were there to share this moment in photos for her.

brattcat said...

Ditto what Joan Elizabeth said. Thank you, Julie, thank you Kirsten for your courage, your generosity, and your vision.

freefalling said...

Wish I could hear you have a crack at that zebra sound!
Hope your girl is doing well today.

Ann said...

Another ditto to what Joan said. She's definitely inherited your talent with words. Would love to hear you try that zebra.