Thursday, August 5, 2010

We girls do coffee

Once a day, my daughter is determined to get out of the apartment and go somewhere to do something. So ... she walked across and down to the park at Rushcutters Bay and I walked down. We live about equidistant. In the middle of the park, just up from the yachts bobbing at the marina, is situated the most gorgeous of cafes. It is always awash with young families and the middle of a Wednesday was no different. I note, too, that the council has now installed a large play ground at the rear of the cafe.

We both had a Burgundy beef pie which was filled with ... wait for it ... meat! And washed that down with a flat white. Come to think of it, Kirsten did not ask for a soy latte so her skin complaint is faring well under this new anatomical order!

Alannah slept the entire time, rousing briefly for a feed, but that was more so that Kirsten could get over the self-conscious feeling of breast-feeding in public for the first time. After a cuddle/jiggle from Ma, and a nappy change, it was back into the stroller for the push back up the hill to home. How wonderful to see this young woman blossoming so! And she is totally in control of her own body shape, too, as you can see. She has even been to her first Mother's Club meeting.

I think she is trying to organise an evening restaurant meal for the three of them this weekend, and then, next Tuesday, she and I and Alannah hope to choof of into the Art Gallery for a wander. Between now and then she hopes to master loading everything into the car and tootling around unaided. I am finding it a challenge to express my pride without appearing condescending. But, ooo, I am chuffed!


Ann said...

Lovely photo of you with Alannah.

diane b said...

She is adorable too, as well as Fox. She has a good head of hair. Congrats for Kirsten managing the whole going out thingy. Its not easy at first. Sonya and Bernie have to go to Bali for his brother's wedding, so this flight up here and then down to Melbourne was a practice trip to travl with all the gear, including a portocot. Great shot of Ma in the sun with bubs.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Oooh ahhh ... lovely to see a shot of you and bub and the other shots as well. I can't begin to think of baby logistics.